When a Christian decides to become more minimal and to pare down distraction and excess, following hard after Jesus becomes a bit easier. If you can manage to dispel the idea that you "need" to be constantly connected by email, cellphones, etc, your mind is significantly more free to be about your Father's business. Constant, spontaneous prayer can become a reality you've never known. Your capacity to memorize Scripture may increase significantly. You may even spend significant amounts of time dreaming about different ways you can fulfill the Great Commission, or just different ways you can serve. You can give yourself away and actually serve, rather than just dreaming.
But this isn't reality, is it?
Life gets tough. Despite the magnificent benefits of decluttering mind and home, the war still remains. It will always remain. The struggle between the natural man (the flesh) and the new man (the spirit) is just a fact of Christian life. But this realization doesn't give us permission to be passive. Shall we sin that grace may abound? You may ask, when I have pared down and decluttered as much possible and I still don't have holy desire, what is the solution for the anxiety? First, let me note that it will probably just be a daily struggle. It is for me, at least. The next step is to simply utilize the time and energy you have freed up now, which you used to use for other things, to recognize your utter dependance on the Lord. We constantly draw breath and think nothing of it, but aside from the grace of God we wouldn't have even the strength to draw breath or the breath to draw.
In short, pray hard for God to show your inadequacy and work hard to see it. Ask Him for abilities and talents to display His glorious name among the nations. Pray to be guarded from becoming wrapped up in a viewpoint that makes God's favor dependent on your performance. His favor never changes and you will always fail. Wake up and realize everyday that even your best forthcoming efforts will be imperfect and sinful. Ask for grace.
As Jerry Bridges said, "Even our tears of repentance need to be washed in the blood of the Lamb."
Lord, we want to want you. We long to long for You, but although the spirit is willing, the flesh is weak. We need strength. Strength only you can supply. Grant us holy desires. Let us be overwhelmed with Your goodness and the need to share with others. Let us be an acceptable sacrifice.
"Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise Him, my Salvation and my God." - Psalm 43:5
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